AUR is a natural ecosystem of financial services, built on complete financial with decentralized finance technology.
We have exchanges where users trade cryptocurrencies. It generally supports trading cryptocurrencies such as BTC, ETH and BCH and offers greater liquidity. Also, AUR offers Visa / MasterCard card with DeFi Cashback This allows cardholders to pay with Crypto anywhere and anytime. Furthermore, there is no annual fee for the card.
Solution to e-commerce and other businesses Last but not least, we have a special solution for e-commerce and other businesses that want to start accepting cryptocurrencies. To facilitate such transactions, AUR has developed unique store plugins that suit every system.
We also have our own coin - the AUR token, however, is not the only option the user can choose. AUR Token offers our customers some additional benefits such as lower transaction fees but it is not mandatory to have it.

Aurix was founded in 2016 by Majed Mohsen - a computer engineer with great experience in trading and coding. He has a strong relevant background and several successful tech startups behind - Majed developed various solutions for different industries from e-commerce to consumer electronics. In other words, Aurix is built by professionals and with great care for you.
Our mission is to create the most Transparent, Secure and Trusted Hybrid exchange so that crypto traders can trade peacefully while we do the work. We have carefully designed the product which takes care of all your trading needs and provides you most advanced trading experience in the most intuitive manner. We don’t want to restrict ourselves to just an exchange, with your support we want to contribute to this ecosystem, support technology backed ICOs, support blockchain entrepreneurs and build solutions that will power the future digital economy. We believe, this can be made possible when we join hands and work along with the government to increase it’s real-life adoption. We will always remain compliant with the government rules and regulations in the country where we operate.

- To make the world of the cryptocurrencies more transparent and user freindly.
- To provide people with easy access to their crypto funds, exchange options, and many more convenient tech solutions.
- To enhance the replacement of the traditional banking system with decentralized finance.

To make this vision come to life, we do our best to redefine how crypto money is being moved, spent, and invested. We developed the high-tech solutions that allow people and organizations to use cryptocurrencies as easily as they use fiat. Thus, we hope to attract more newcomers and encourage them to switch to more simple and useful crypto financial services.
- Low liquidity and transaction speed
- High or hidden commissions
- Inherentcomplexity
- Insecurity and untrustworthiness

- Aurix Exchange offers the highest liquidity with fast transaction execution, sousers can buy and sell as many coins
as they want in less than a second. - We build our solutions based on customer development research, so they all have an intuitive design with user-friendly interfaces.
- All Aurix products have low predefined commissions, so no hidden fees Lastly, Aurix is built with adherence to high security standards.
- Aurix is blockchainbased, which keeps transactions safe, secure, and autonomous.

Why Choose Us ?
- Transparent and trustworthy
- High security
- 24 * 7 support
- Cloud security
- Trading
- Responsive design

Aurix Token (AUR) is a utility token that has some features over and above simple payment functionality. AUR powers the overall Aurix ecosystem, giving the user particular benefits such as reduced fees on the platform.
AUR Token issue is limited to 20 mln units. By now it runs based on ERC-20, but later it will operate on the Aurix Chain.
- Token Name : Aurix
- Token Class : Utility Token
- Token Ticker : AUR
- Issuing Entity : AUR protocol lab
- Token Total Supply : 20 ,000, 000 AUR

Since Aurix was founded in 2016, we have not lost a minute in vain. We kept coming up with new ideas and solutions, perfecting them throughout the months so we could show them at the first onset in all their power.
Our journey started four years ago but we keep gaining momentum. So far, we have a working Aurix Exchange and a launch-ready Aurix app. Throughout the 2017-2019 years, we have been closely working on the Aurix Chain, and finally, we will be ready to introduce it .
- 2016
Aurix is founded by Majed Mohsen
The Aurix token concept was introduced - 2017
Work on the Aurix Exchange started
Work on Aurix Chain started - 2018
Card concept appeared - 2019
Plugin concept developed
Started work on the App - 2020
The launch of Aurix Exchange - Q1 2021
The launch of the Aurix App
OTC Trading Launch
The first Mastercard shipping - Q2 2021
DeFi Wallet Launch
Leverage Trade Announcement - Q3 2021
We launch our Aurix
Payment Shop Plugins
Pad platform Launch - Q4 2021
Start of the shop
plugin development
The launch of the beta
version of Aurix Chain

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