About MoonDeFi

MoonDeFi is a protocol on Ethereum for swapping ERC20 tokens without the need for buyers and sellers to create demand. It does this via an equation that automatically sets and balances the value depending on how much demand there is. Unlike most exchanges that charge fees, MoonDeFi was designed with a very low fee structure.

On MoonDeFi, Traders can exchange Ethereum tokens without having to trust anyone with their money. Users can lend their cryptocurrencies to the liquidity pool and collect a fee. This is done by an equation that automatically determines and balances the value based on actual demand. This is one of the first fully decentralized protocols for automated liquidity provision in the DeFi. There’s no company involved, no KYC, and there’s no person involved that’s mediating things.

Liquidity Pool & Liquidity Provider

The way that MoonDefi works is using liquidity pools. Basically, they are pools of tokens that are locked in smart contracts. There are enough tokens for you to be able to exchange any of them with one another using Ethereum as a conduit. There’re loads of Ethereum in there, and there’re loads of every kind of token that MoonDefi currently supports.

Moreover, anyone can create a new exchange pair in a new liquidity pool for any token, at any time. Who contribute to the liquidity pool are called Liquidity providers. Anyone can be a liquidity provider by depositing an equivalent value of two tokens in the pool.


Liquidity providers receive a fee from people that are conducting swaps, which is 0.3% fee on all trades proportional to their share of the pool.


MoonDeFi Liquidity Staking (Farming)

Innovative Defi platform MoonDeFi has recently made liquidity mining available to users. After the Liquidity providers contribute their coins to the pool, they will receive LP tokens. Those tokens represent their share of the entire liquidity pool. These liquidity tokens can be redeemed for the share they represent in the pool. Moreover, Liquidity Providers can use those tokens to participate in the Staking Program to gain MOON with a high profit rate.The reward will be distributed among users who deposit funds to the liquidity pool and join this program. Normally, they can earn APY of 30%-45% for staking LP tokens. The Staking program is also applied for holders of MOON & other tokens. Users can also stake other tokens with the same ERC-20 protocol, including MOON – the native token of MoonDeFi to get APY of 30 – 40%. With a limited number of tokens (total supply of 210 million tokens) and the quickly increasing demand of MOON, staking this token will give users drastic benefits in the future.

Advantages of MoonDeFi

Open Source

MoonDeFi is a public, open-source application, which implies later on if the MoonDeFi group leaves the venture under any conditions, the MoonDeFi people group can at present keep up the extend and grow new usefulness.

Highly Decentralized and Autonomous

MoonDeFi works with no concentrated specialist organization or center man, and since all exchanges occur on-chain, can’t be stopped as long as Ethereum is utilitarian.

High Degree of Anonymity

Since there are no client records to sign into and anybody with an Ethereum address can utilize MoonDeFi, there is a serious level of obscurity. There is likewise no KYC cycle prior to utilizing MoonDeFi, not at all like in numerous different trades.

High community concern

MoonDeFi as referenced before is the full overhauled adaptation of different esteemed Defi stages. Along these lines, plainly MoonDeFi has pulled in a lot of network concern.

Lower Gas Fees

As per MoonDeFi, because of its moderate plan and system, it is a larger number of gas proficient than its decentralized trade partners.

User Friendly

MoonDeFi has given a very easy to understand interface. Indeed, even individuals new to crypto can undoubtedly trade their ideal ERC2O tokens in only a couple of clicks. Due to the basic UI and absence of request books, MoonDeFi has additionally extraordinarily decreased stacking times, an issue that has tormented different DEXs.

The interface even permits brokers to set slippage cutoff points, and request clocks with the end goal that requests are dropped if not executed inside a period limit, which assists with alleviating front running.


Liquidity Mining

An initial liquidity mining program will go live November 16 2020 12:00am UTC. The initial program will run until February 16 2021 12:00am UTC and target the following 29 pools on MoonDeFi:


1,000,000 MOON will be allocated per pool to LPs proportional to liquidity.

Community-led Growth

Since its inception, the MoonDeFi Protocol (”MoonDeFi”) has served as trustless and highly decentralized financial infrastructure.

Inspired by Ethereum’s vision, we have long committed to the ideals of permissionless access, security, and immutability, all indespensable components for a future where anyone in the world can access financial services without fear of discrimination or counterparty risk.

Now rivaling centralized incumbents on daily volume, MoonDeFi’s success to date — achieved without involvement of the core development team since deployment — indicates that there is considerable demand for permissionless financial services.

In less than two years, the protocol has:

  • Supported over $12bn volume traded by over 180,000 unique addresses across 4,124 unique assets
  • Secured over $1bn liquidity deposited by over 32,000 unique liquidity providers (LPs), earning $30m fees in the process
  • Emerged as foundational DeFi infrastructure, with integrations across hundreds of interfaces and applications

MoonDeFiToken (MOON)

MOON is the native token of MoonDeFi platform. The demand of MOON will grow following the development of MoonDeFi. MoonDeFi is an outstanding decentralized system, integrating many functions, inheriting the strengths of other Defi platforms. With a professional and methodical marketing strategy, high interest rates and attractive rewards, it is definitely a project which is worth to invest in. Regarding the Moon token – a native token of MoonDeFi which has a limited supply, only 210 million along with a rapid increase in demand, owning this coin will certainly bring high value in the future for any investor. It is worth noting that staking MOON token has the highest interest following the LP tokens.With a limited number and the dramatic increasing demand of MOON, staking and holding this token will surely give users drastic benefits in the future.

MOON Allocation

  • 210 million MOON have been minted at genesis and will become accessible over the course of 4 years. The initial four year allocation is as follows:
  • 69.00% to MoonDeFi community members 144.9 Million MOON
  • 18.25% to team members and future employees with 4-year vesting 38.3 Million MOON
  • 12.50% to investors with 4-year vesting 26.25 Million MOON
  • 0.25% to advisors with 4-year vesting 0.525 Million MOON

Initial governance parameters are as follows:

  • 1% of MOON total supply (delegated) to submit a governance proposal
  • 5% of MOON supply required to vote ’yes’ to reach quorum
  • 10 day voting period
  • 2 day timelock delay on execution


  • Year 1:  57,960,000 MOON: 40%
  • Year 2:  43,470,000 MOON: 30%
  • Year 3: 28,980,000 MOON: 20%
  • Year 4: 14,490,000 MOON: 10%


MOON Token:

Liquidity mining:

Team, investor, and advisor MOON allocations will have tokens locked up on an identical schedule.



First of all thanks for reading my article till here. So in my opinion MOONDEFI built something huge and transparent. And they can be dominate De-Fi industry with some advertising and marketing promotions. They have so many pools that i couldn’t even list here. So as an ivnestor i can think investing my Money on MOONDEFI.

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author : herlambang18

eth : 0x0a9977835a0902DD302B8DFE2aCe96EB6E135751


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