A Dramatic Change in the Global Healthcare Industry

Did you know that almost every year, more than 50 million people die due to lack of medication? In other words, every minute that passes by means that another 100 individuals lost their lives, all across the world. A closer look at this estimates and research data can clearly show that nine of the top ten causes of death are connected to disease where medicine is not effective or not delivered on time. In 2016, for example, the majority of deaths were determined by:
- Ischaemic heart disease
- Stroke
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Lower respiratory infections
- Alzheimer disease and other dementias
- Trachea, bronchus and lung cancer
- Diabetes mellitus
- Road injury
- Diarrhoeal diseases
- Tuberculosis
The solution, of course, is the creation and the distribution of proper medication; otherwise, we risk losing more and more lives, every year. Many organisations complain that medicines do not reach the people that need it on time; or when they do so, they are costly. Even now, in the modern era, we live in, about ten years are needed for a new medicine to be available on the market. Can these significant issues in the medical/pharmaceutical industry be solved today? Unless we do so, more lives will be lost, and the suffering will continue.
Discover the ClinTex Clinical Trials Intelligence Platform (CTi)
A blockchain project that aims to transform the healthcare industry by providing new medications in a cheaper, faster and safer way
The goals are ClinTex are simple, yet demanding and impressive:
- Medicines will reach the patients that need it, whenever they need it
- The medication costs will be considerably lowered due to more efficient and quicker clinical trials
ClinTex’s tools top features:
- The use of blockchain technology
- Incorporation of machine learning and collaboration for clinical trials
- The use of big data in the pharmaceutical industry
- Implementation of a pay-per-use model for clients and removing the need for hardware costs
- The inclusion of the distribution ledger technology, with the specific goal of building probably the first collaboration platform for clinical trials and pharmaceutical industry players
The token sale
ClinTex will launch its own ERC-20 protocol tokens (in an Ethereum smart contract) during the third quarter of 2018. The token generation event will be open for approximately four weeks and will promote the CLX tokens, with a price set at USD $0.10c/1 CLX. The CLX market cap is estimated at $36.6 million.
Find out all about ClinTex and the Clinical Trials Intelligence Platform at https://www.clintex.io/ and discover how can the pharmaceutical industry reach a new development phase, through blockchain technologies. Also, feel free to browse through the latest version of the ClinTex white paper, providing info regarding:
- The current problems of the clinical trials industry
- Top reasons to choose blockchain for healthcare improvements
- How can a decentralised application be developed and implemented on ClinTex
- Understanding the vast world application of these tools
- The project’s roadmap
- The token sale event
Q2 2018
CTi Data Model Design;
CTi-OEM Prototype Development.
Q3 2018
Pre Sale TGE;
Public TGE.
Q4 2018
CTi GUI Development (with Integrated CLX Wallet);
Blockchain Verification of CTi Pre-Processing Data.
Q1 2019
Blockchain Verification of CTi Pre-Processing Data;
CTi-OEM DEvelopment.
Q2 2019
CTi-PDA Development.
Q3 2019
CTi-PRR Development;
Migration on-chain of CTiClinical Data Statistical Summaries.
Q4 2019
CTi-RBM Development;
CTi-CDV Development.
Q1 2020
Cti-VMM Development.
Q2 2020
CTi-SIM Development.
Q3-Q4 2020
Migration on-chain of the CTi Data Model and CTi Processing Engine,
Our Team
author : herlambang18
eth : 0x0a9977835a0902DD302B8DFE2aCe96EB6E135751
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