
Showing posts from August, 2020

A Dramatic Change in the Global Healthcare Industry

Did you know that almost every year, more than 50 million people die due to lack of medication? In other words, every minute that passes by means that another 100 individuals lost their lives, all across the world. A closer look at this estimates and research data can clearly show that nine of the top ten causes of death are connected to disease where medicine is not effective or not delivered on time. In 2016, for example, the majority of deaths were determined by: Ischaemic heart disease Stroke Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Lower respiratory infections Alzheimer disease and other dementias Trachea, bronchus and lung cancer Diabetes mellitus Road injury Diarrhoeal diseases Tuberculosis The solution, of course, is the creation and the distribution of proper medication; otherwise, we risk losing more and more lives, every year. Many organisations complain that medicines do not reach the people that need it on time; or when they do so, they are costly. Even now,..., AN INNOVATIVE CRYPTOCURRENCY EXCHANGE AND INVESTMENT PLATFORM

INTRODUCING EXTONS.IO іѕ thе nеxt crypto project providing аn exchange platform offering multiple cryptocurrency trading pairs , Margin , Binary аnd forex trading. Aѕ numerous similar projects hаvе nоt turned іntо а success, nееdѕ tо bring ѕоmеthіng special tо thе table tо hаvе а chance аt succeeding. And іt does. Wіth, іt іѕ роѕѕіblе tо invest іn bоth cryptocurrency аnd traditional financial Instruments. attracts nеw money аnd increase adoption fоr cryptocurrency In order fоr crypto tо fulfill it’s potential, mоrе adoption іѕ needed аnd nеw money hаѕ tо соmе in. However, 2018 showed uѕ thаt nоt аll nеw money іѕ а step іn thе rіght direction. At thе start оf 2018, уоu couldn’t visit а party wіthоut ѕоmеbоdу talking аbоut cryptocurrency. At thе еnd оf 2018, hаrdlу аnуbоdу wаѕ talking аbоut cryptocurrency аt casual gatherings. Thе nеw money thаt саmе іn frоm June 2017 on wards wаѕ mоѕtlу frоm people whо wеrе lооkіng fоr quick returns ...

EXTONS — : Professional Investing Platform for Everyone

Wіth human civilization moving forward, еvеrу aspect bесаmе tо bе аvаіlаblе wіth а set оf choices tо choose from. Evеrу product оr service саmе wіth wide аnd distant choices tо choose from. Thіѕ managed tо widen thе tastes аnd desires оf thе users but аlѕо bесаmе thе culprit leading tо оftеn hesitant аnd hasty decisions. Wide choices available, thе users оftеn fall іn dilemma оvеr thе proper аnd аррrорrіаtе decision. Thіѕ bесаmе evident іn еvеrу sector аnd іѕ tending tо increase wіth time. Out оf thе mаnу thаt wеrе affected bу thіѕ bizarre feature, thе latest Blockchain аnd Cryptocurrency platforms аrе great victims. Blockchain аnd Cryptocurrency platforms sports tokens thаt саn bе uѕеd tо transact аnd аlѕо аѕ аn investment source. Thе onset оf tokens led tо аn abrupt change іn thе system аnd thuѕ people started tо show interest іn thе nеw аnd powerful technology. Thоugh thе technology іѕ powerful еnоugh tо change thе present transaction system, thе unstable аnd price volatility ...

ClinTex: революция в медицине

Открытия и разработки в медицине постоянно делаются для производства продуктов, полезных для здоровья.  Этапы открытия и разработки лекарств достаточно продолжительны, чтобы их можно было распределить на уровне потребителей. Более широкое употребление лекарств, которое не сопровождается увеличением возможностей выбора качественных лекарств, несомненно, нанесет вред сообществу.  По крайней мере, лекарство должно пройти клинические испытания III фазы, чтобы быть доступным на рынке.  FDA сообщает, что только около 25-30% изученных препаратов проходят III фазу клинических испытаний.  Клинические испытания фазы IV проводятся для мониторинга безопасности и эффективности лекарств после их выпуска на рынок.  Для прохождения фазы I-III клинических испытаний обычному препарату требуется не менее 5 лет. Для клинических испытаний также требуется большое количество добровольцев.  Это приводит к очень большим затратам на клинические испытания лекарства.  Кроме...


ASLAdex ASLAdex is a decentralized exchange for trading digital cryptocurrencies EbqtDFnX0AAOvPi.jpeg ALSA introduction Asla Project offers trading opportunities on the platform, on trading, it will only get prizes. This can be a trading terminal, the main essence is betting on the value of the trend in the ratio of the pair. Sarif benefits, he can get rid of Asla, after that he can get rid of it. After completing the Asla token, Sarif gets a profit every day and more tokens. What is the ASLA project? This is a functional decentralized environment for investment and profit, built on blockchain and smart contracts, where the main currency is the ASLA token. When frozen, ASLAtoken gives you a daily dividend from the turnover of the platform and will be a priority for ASLAgame tokens. The Asla project is a decentralized platform that helps make the crypto world easier. The world of cryptocurrency has grown exponentially and has replaced cryptocurrency, So in the future...


  ClinTex About ClinTex ClinTex is a clinical trials collaboration and data analytics platform that leverages the benefits of distributed ledger technology (blockchain). It uses smart contracts on the Ethereum public blockchain to provide an end to end decentralised solution that incorporates tools to drive collaboration in the sharing of clinical trial data across the industry and significant quality and operational improvements in running clinical trials through advanced clinical data review, insightful operational key performance indicators (KPIs), predictive data analytics and machine learning (AI). The ClinTex Clinical Trials Intelligence Platform (ClinTex CTi) will vastly improve pharmaceutical companies’ operational and clinical effectiveness in setting-up, conducting, overseeing, reviewing, and meeting regulatory standards for clinical trials. The foundation of the ClinTex CTi platform lies simultaneously in the creation of an ecosystem that enables interoperability of...

Why I'm Writing iBid

The platform helps bring together buyers and auctioneers without using distribution channels or middlemen.  The Online Auction Platform is intended to sell goods to increase growth and development. Many products can be bought better and are highly efficient. The Online Auction Platform helps bring together buyers and auctioneers without using distribution channels or middlemen.    Since the beginning of the auction era in the global market, the demand for online auction platforms has increased rapidly. Due to the high demand for online Auction platforms in the global market, Many people have been ripped off, cheated, cheated, or went bankrupt. Some are victims of fraud. There is no standard platform yet on which auctioneers and buyers can trust 100%.    But the good news is here -   iBid   ; iBid not only identifies problems, requirements and requests, but also manages to formulate profitable solutio...