HYDROSTANDART - Hydrogen energy resource project

Hydrostandart team absolutely agrees with the conclusions of scientists and is confident that with the transition to hydrogen energy and the digital economy, it will be possible not only to meet the basic needs of humanity at a qualitative level, but also to direct excess energy to stabilize the environmental situation.We invite everyone and those who are not satisfied with their level of income to participate in our project. If you have access to the Internet and free time, you will be able to make good money on the digitization of elements and objects of the material world by placing them in our digital ecosystem.
Why HYDROSTANDART Project is needed?

I think most will agree that our modern society is on the brink of a new revolution. Technical revolutions take place in a digital format. To connect both biological and physical areas of life with each other. As they say, it is not necessary to go away. For example, in medicine, there is a high-precision 3D printer. In the form of a special robot, you can easily chat with the simplest questions.The same applies to other areas of our lives, which move to a new level. Even the financial structure of the world is slow but definitively decentralized. Of course, there's still something we need to do. However, the path is outlined and we are all striving to implement it by step.
But despite the positive growth dynamics. The world of decentralized and digital relations is still facing some challenges. Then, with less developed infrastructure, then with the lack of good tools that support the liquidity of some coins. Snowball together. Naturally, to overcome all these shortcomings, having a good project will be enough, but one, two, and two already have three, four, and so on. Therefore, it is important to realize that a comprehensive approach to different ideas. This is the complex I want to show you today, that is, sharing information to tell you the potential of an interesting project.

The project to be discussed today is called HYDROSTANDART . Its main feature is a completely new and decentralized system. In addition to controlling the artificial intelligence, it will also be responsible for maintaining the balance of energy conversions in the network.Therefore, the founders of the project want to transmit a new monetary unit that corresponds to a certain amount of energy to the user. That is, the new unit of the hydrogen-related currency standard emits the money of the digital carrier, that is, a real physical amount expressed by cryptotoken.

Why is hydrogen important?The ratio of the content of the energy to the unit of hydrogen turned out to be one of the highest values in nature. This gives you a great opportunity to accumulate all your energy. Moreover, such a currency is an excellent standard of value and stability all over the world. Naturally, this makes it more stable, sustainable and cost-effective for all parties to the process.After all, the first added value of Hydrogen indicates that a percentage of the value of one gram, as a very simple example. But if you add some technology to 9 grams of water, you get one gram of hydrogen worth $ 0.01. If this 1 gram of hydrogen passes through another technological processing system, the output will be 1 gram of hydrogen isotope worth $ 30,000. And, as the practice demonstrates, this process can be sustained by raising the cost per gram of energy to 60 billion USD.

This stage is characterized as a foundation venture since it meets the accompanying criteria:1. It includes the formation of a man-made brainpower based worldwide advanced foundation, which is fit for learning and improvement, to which all material world's digitized articles can be moved.
2. The proposed instruments take care of real issues for clients of computerized monetary standards they make the plausibility of two-level help and make them socially valuable.
3. The undertaking offers totally new instruments and advances for building computerized economy NeuroChains with explicit qualities, entryways between NeuroChains add a formerly inaccessible capacities to control the tokens.
4. The arrangement proposed by the undertaking opens up new application zones for computerized monetary standards - tokenization of material resources, decentralization in conventional business fields or social procedures.
5. The undertaking is planned for fortifying advanced economy's material base the making of verified computerized and material resources.The expense of any item will get a reference cost as its very own vitality substance and vitality utilization for its creation. The hydrogen is in a perfect world appropriate for this job, it has the most elevated vitality content per unit weight of 120.7 gigajoule/ton. Low atomic weight and high explicit vitality substance of hydrogen have for this situation a central significance. Because of these properties, hydrogen is a perfect mean of vitality stockpiling, transportation and transmission.
The motivation behind Hydrostandart.io venture:- To make a decentralized biological system for direct connection of any computerized and substantial resources.
- To dispatch the activity of an open decentralized system of centers for circulated capacity of hydrogen vitality with the board dependent on man-made consciousness answerable for representing the issuance, gathering and uniform conveyance of the system.
- To make a framework for keeping up the test system's equalization in the fundamental issues of vitality turnover.
- To create modules for recording, investigation and the board of vitality and vitality trade;
- To run modules for recording, investigation and the board of information put in open structure in Ethereum and web.
HRS Token be used?
This is the economy of hydrogen. Moreover, the goal of the developers is to obtain the estimated value of 1-hour tokens in the near future from $ 60. Why would the developers of HYDROSTANDART want to reach this figure ?! In fact, everything is very simple, with a $ 60 turnover representing the daily living rate, including transportation, food and accommodation, and various communications, as well as entertainment and other things.

As for the technical aspect, the HRS marker itself was developed on the basis of the Ethereum Protocol, which makes it public and easy to use. As a result, each marker will be directly supported. ICO will take place in several stages, so to learn more about its implementation and implementation, the HYDROSTANDART.By summarizing a particular result, I would like to express my own conclusions regarding HYDROSTANDART. As for me, this concept is very interesting and unusual. Moreover, there is no single project in the currency industry that would involve a decentralized network and hydrogen. Hopefully the founders will have the power and wisdom to finish. Please do not hesitate to contact me to learn more about the project.

Summing up a certain result, I want to Express my own conclusions with regard to HYDROSTANDART. As for me, this concept is very interesting and unusual. Moreover, in the crypto-currency industry, there has never been a single project that would involve hydrogen with the digital asset of a decentralized network. I hope its founders will have the strength and wisdom to finish the job and show us a truly worthy platform with all its systems.I hope you liked my article. Like and subscribe to my channel, but for now write your opinion in the comments. How do you like the idea of HYDROSTANDART? And would you like to use in practice?
For more information, please visit the link below:
Website : https://hydrostandart.io/
Whitepaper : http://hydrostandart.io/WhitePaperENG.pdf
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Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/company/hydrostandart/
Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/user/Hydrostandart
Medium : https://medium.com/hydrostandart
author : herlambang18
eth : 0x0a9977835a0902DD302B8DFE2aCe96EB6E135751
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