Futira Coin - is a crypto supported by a real trading company
Futira Coin has been developed by the founder of the innovation group of companies (Dr. Hatim Zaglol), in order to pursue the company's goals in providing inexpensive telecommunication infrastructure to financially less lucky through the block. The plan is to introduce Futira9Coin to work as a means of income for the development and operation of telecommunication infrastructure and cellular networks. Futira Coin will be the only investment media on the network to provide a growing demand for coins. Users do not need to understand the process of cryptocurrency, it simply bought a network loan with Fiat currency. Credit purchases are converted to coins and are stored on the network and increases value. Advantages are used by users and can be used to carry out operations on the network. But if there are no advantages, user credit is guaranteed and will not be depreciated. In order to provide adequate funding of the project, the coins should lead to a return of high benefits. This ad...