2Local — Future of Digital Currency
Introduction In our world, we have immense natural resources provided to us by the nature, yet they are spread over the five continents unequally. Also in a country, there are are some place which are rich by natural resources and some places can be found with low concentration of resources. So we can see that although we have enormous resources they are now equally accessible for every human being in the world. This should be avoided at any cost and these should be accessible for everyone. So there should be s system which will eliminate inequality, injustice and malnutrition giving sustainable use of natural resources for everyone. Doing so will open new ways and new opportunities in the world market, every personal will have a place in a new world economy, one that is more local,less hectic and overall happier. 2Local’s Solutio n The problem with the current economy is the sole financial purposes of the economy which has forgotten the core values like social, ecological a...